As to Robeson: See, in addition to Dyer's essay in his _Heavenly Bodies_ (already referred on this list): 1. Robeson's autobiography, _Here I Stand_ (Beacon Press, 1970). 2. Martin Bauml Duberman's massive _Paul Robeson: A Biography_ (NY: Ballantine, 1989). 3. (the last chapter of) Alan Pomerance's _Repeal of the Blues: How Black Entertainers Influenced Civil Rights_ (NY: Citadel Press, 1988). 4. Susan Robeson's (his daughter) _The Whole World in His Hands: A Pictorial Biography of Paul Robeson_ (NY: Citadel, 1981). 5. Shirley Graham's _Paul Robeson, Citizen of the World_ (Negro University Press, 1971). 6. _Robeson Speaks--Writings, Speeches, Interviews 1918-1974, ed. Phillip S. Foner (Brunner Mazel, 1978). Following is a (probably incomplete) list of Paul Robeson movies, many of which are available on video at reasonable prices from Alternative Videos 837 Exposition Dallas TX 75227 214-823-6030 Made by U.S. Independents: _Body and Soul_ (Oscar Micheaux, silent, 1924) Robeson's first film; he plays two characters. _Borderline_ (1930) An avant-garde film, Dyer refers to it in his essay; also stars Robeson's wife Eslanda. _The Emperor Jones_ (Dudley Murphy, 1933) "Hollywood": _Showboat_ (1936) British-made: _Sanders of the River_ (with Nina Mae McKinney, 1935, as "Bosambo") _Song of Freedom_ (1936) _King Solomon's Mines_ (1937, as "Umbopa") _Jericho_ (a.k.a. _Dark Sands_, 1937) _Big Fella_ (1938, also with wife Eslanda) _The Proud Valley_ (1940; PR's personal "favorite") "Hollywood" again: _Tales of Manhattan_ (1942, with Ethel Waters) Generally considered a disaster; he even denounced it and led protests against it upon its release) _Native Land_ (1947, he does narration only) cynthia fuchs ([log in to unmask])