Ken Nagelberg <[log in to unmask]> writes: > I'd like to know more about what Kinko's was including in their packets. >If they were reproducing large portions of books that were available for pur- >chase, then the book publishers certainly have a case. But if they were >small selections (less than 10%?) then it sounds like the publishers are the >ones guilty of reckless profiteering for making students buy the whole book. Thank You! I was beginning to wonder if I was going to have to get on my soap-box and play a little devils-advocate here. I'm not qualified to judge whether Kinko's was at fault here. But let us not forget that the purpose of the publisher is to market, nay, even exploit the work of the writer, for personal profit. > Just remember, all of this is supposed to be designed to protect the >"creative process." It sounds to me like it will eventually destroy it! One should read some of the original works of Ben Franklin, in his contributions to our own Constitution, and the establishment of the public library. I find it very interesting how these types of cases (Kinkos' vs. the publishers) are 100% contradictory to everything Franklin said and stood for. But I digress, this is out of place here, isn't it? So what was the decision regarding use of "sampling" (to borrow the term from the music industry) of video/film for non-profit use in the classroom? Is it legal if used strictly for non-profit educational purposes? What about the loaning (NOT renting) of the same? ---------------------------------------------------------------- -Lou Williams Via Bitnet : [log in to unmask] Via Internet: [log in to unmask] Computer Sciences Corporation, Research Triangle Park, NC ---------------------------------------------------------------- -Sometimes in order to feel better about yourself, you have to make others feel bad, and I'm tired of making others feel good about themselves. -Homer Simpson. ----------------------------------------------------------------