I N T E R O F F I C E M E M O R A N D U M Date: 01-Apr-1991 08:23am EST From: Corinne H. Smith CHSMITH Dept: Audio Visual Services Tel No: (814) 863-3104 TO: Remote RSCS/NJE Network User ( _BITNET%SCREEN-L@UA1VM ) Subject: Kathy's suggestions F-Y-I, for U.S. people looking for the documentaries that Kathy mentioned; here are some rental/sales sources for you: _If You Love This Planet_ is available from Direct Cinema Limited in Los Angeles at (213) 652-8000. _Letter to the Next Generation_ is available from New Day Films in Wayne, NJ, at (212) 645-8210. _Swimming to Cambodia_ is available from Viewfinders (800) 342-3342. _Best Boy_ can be rented on either VHS or 16mm from us, Penn State Audio-Visual Services, at (800) 826-0132.