Dear Screen-L Subscribers:
Pitzer College is seeking an Assistant Professor in Digital Media Studies. Please see the job ad copied below for more information:
Job Ad:
Pitzer College seeks applicants for a tenure-track position, at the level of assistant professor, in digital media studies. A Ph.D. is required by the time of appointment. The position is open, and we are especially interested in candidates
whose teaching and research interests engage media platforms, digital cultures, digital labor, issues of access, media activism, or feminist media praxis. The Pitzer Media Studies Field Group, in conjunction with the Intercollegiate Media Studies Program at
the Claremont Colleges, has constructed a curriculum that foregrounds diversity, inclusion, access, and people’s use of media as social and political action to create cultural change. Our faculty members offer a diverse and comprehensive set of courses that
challenge students in intercultural understanding and in social justice theory and praxis.
The successful candidate will design undergraduate courses in their areas of specialization, demonstrate an ability to teach one or more of our core introductory media studies courses (including Introduction to Digital Media Studies, contribute to the College’s
First Year Seminar program, and have the capacity to supervise capstone projects (including practice-based work). The teaching load is five courses per year with the expectation of an advising caseload.
Pitzer College has a strong institutional commitment to diversity in all areas and strongly encourages candidates from underrepresented groups. We favor candidates who can contribute to the College's distinctive educational objectives, which promote interdisciplinary
perspectives, intercultural understanding, and concern with social responsibility and the ethical implications of knowledge and action. Pitzer College is an Affirmative Action/Equal Opportunity Employer. For the successful applicant with the relevant interests,
affiliations are possible with the intercollegiate departments of Africana Studies, Asian American Studies, Chican@/Latin@ Studies, and/or the Intercollegiate Feminist Center for Teaching, Research, and Engagement.
A complete application will include a cover letter, curriculum vitae, selected evidence of excellence in teaching and research, and three letters of recommendation. Candidates should also submit a statement in which they address how their cultural, experiential,
and/or academic background contributes to the understanding of diversity at the College.
To apply, please visit Faculty Positions at Pitzer or enter the following address in your browser:
Full consideration will be given to complete applications received by 15 September 2022.
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Best Regards,
Jose Zuniga
Sr. Coordinator for Academic Affairs (Governance)
Office of the Dean of Faculty | Pitzer College