Dear Colleagues, I'm pleased to announce the Call for Papers for the next issue of *Short Film Studies. * *Short Film Studies *is a peer-reviewed journal published twice a year. In the context of the importance and increasing visibility of short films in our current media environment, the journal aims to offer timely reflections on and a centering of the form. Toward that end, the journal publishes research based and analytical work that enables a broad appreciation of short films and media and especially welcome*s *contributions that consider short films and media and/or selected titles as shorts specifically. Essays may focus on narrative—fiction and nonfiction—as well as live-action and/or animated titles. Papers that address thematic issues and/or close readings of single titles are welcome. A focus on shorts with running times of 40-minutes or less is preferred. A range of possible topics appears below. For Issue 12.1 essays are invited that focus on the auteur Agnès Varda’s short films, whose titles include: *L’Opéra-Mouffe* (1958); *Du Côté de la Côte* (1958), *Black Panthers *(1968); *Les 3 Boutons* (2015); and *Uncle Yanco* (1968) (among several others). Also, for this issue, one title has been chosen for close study, *No Bikini *(2007), the award-winning short directed by Claudia Morgado E.; a link to the film is @ In addition, *Short Film Studies *observes an open Call for Papers and welcomes submissions from short film/media scholars that reflect their own critical and scholarly interests. Potential topics include, but are not limited to: • Analyses of individual titles, contemporary and historical • Short film theory and specificity • Production histories • Short form auteurs • Representations of marginalized and underrepresented communities • Genre shorts (including parody and satire) • Narrative music videos • Short film canon • Social justice shorts • Short film series and anthologies • Shorts from emerging national cinemas • Fashion shorts • LGBTQ+ themes and representation Please send a brief 50- to 75-word abstract and a brief biographical statement to the editor, Cynthia Felando ([log in to unmask]). Upon approval of the abstract, full essays should be sent electronically to: [log in to unmask] *Submission Guidelines: * Deadline: 17 December 2021 Length of manuscript: 1500 to 3000 words, double spaced Please send an electronic copy of the manuscript in MS Word using the MLA style of bibliographic citation with a separate cover sheet containing author and affiliation information. The journal’s Editorial Board will referee all submissions. Other queries should be sent to: [log in to unmask] All the best, Cynthia Felando Editor, *Short Film Studies* ---- For past messages, visit the Screen-L Archives: