Dear SCREEN-L Subscribers, A new publication from Indiana University Press Free postage to UK customers [CREATOR: gd-jpeg v1.0 (using IJG JPEG v62), quality = 75]The Cinema of the Soviet Thaw Space, Materiality, Movement Lida Oukaderova "…[a] sophisticated work that…[gives] us a new and much needed reading of Thaw cinema." — Lilya Kaganovsky, editor of Sounds, Speech, Music in Soviet and Post-Soviet Cinema "…superior and innovative scholarship." — Alexander Prokhorov, author of Inherited Discourse: Paradigms of Stalinist Culture in Literature and Cinema of the Thaw Following Joseph Stalin’s death in 1953, the Soviet Union experienced a dramatic resurgence in cinematic production. The period of the Soviet Thaw became known for its relative political and cultural liberalization; its films, formally innovative and socially engaged, were swept to the center of international cinematic discourse. In The Cinema of the Soviet Thaw, Lida Oukaderova provides an in-depth analysis of several Soviet films made between 1958 and 1967 to argue for the centrality of space—as both filmic trope and social concern—to Thaw-era cinema. Opening with a discussion of the USSR’s little-examined late-fifties embrace of panoramic cinema, the book pursues close readings of films by Mikhail Kalatozov, Georgii Danelia, Larisa Shepitko and Kira Muratova, among others. It demonstrates that these directors’ works were motivated by an urge to interrogate and reanimate spatial experience, and through this project to probe critical issues of ideology, social progress, and subjectivity within post–Stalinist culture. Lida Oukaderova is Assistant Professor of Film Studies in the Department of Art History at Rice University. Indiana University Press | | May 2017 | 228pp | 82 b&w illus. | 9780253026965 | PB | £24.99* 20% discount with this code: CSL17THAW** *Price subject to change. **Offer excludes the USA, Canada and South America. Author and independent bookshop blog -<> Follow us on Twitter @CAP_Ltd<!/CAP_Ltd>, Facebook Combined Academic Publishers<> and Sign up to our newsletter email alerts here<> ---- For past messages, visit the Screen-L Archives: