Call for Papers: ReFocus: The Films of Lisandro Alonso Deadline: July 1, 2017 Since his emergence as part of the New Argentine Cinema, Lisandro Alonso has shown himself to be one of world cinema’s most original cinematic voices. His work has pursued a formal rigor, a narrative austerity, and an impulse towards ethnography that marks it as decidedly anti-commercial. At the same time, his tales of solitary men moving through landscapes have found a highly favorable reception among international festival audiences. Despite his high profile, Lisandro Alonso’s work remains relatively understudied; there is, for example, currently no volume in any language dedicated to his films. As the first comprehensive study on Alonso, this collection seeks writing on the director’s “Lonely Men Trilogy” of La libertad (2001), Los muertos (2004), and Liverpool (2008), his labyrinthine short feature Fantasma (2006), historical drama Jauja (2014), as well as his epistolary Sin título (Carta para Serra) (2011), and his co-directed student short Dos en la vereda (1995). We are currently soliciting 200-250 word abstracts for essays on any aspect of Lisandro Alonso’s work. Possible areas include, but certainly are not limited to, influences such as Fernando Birri’s documentaries and Nicolas Sarquis’ Palo y hueso (1968), his place within the New Argentine Cinema, his films and slow cinema, his use of sound, readings of his films in relation to genres (e.g., the road movie) or film theory. Additional approaches are welcome. Essays included in the refereed anthology will be of approximately 6,500 to 8,000 words, referenced in Chicago endnote style. ReFocus: The Films of Lisandro Alonso will be published by the University of Edinburgh Press in a new series of anthologies examining the work of international film directors. The series’ editors are Robert Singer and Gary D. Rhodes. Please include an abbreviated CV with your abstract to [log in to unmask] by July 1, 2017. Any questions can be directed to: Michael Talbott Assistant Professor of Cinema Studies Chair of the Communication Department Castleton University [log in to unmask] ---- Screen-L is sponsored by the Telecommunication & Film Dept., the University of Alabama: