Cinéma Militant: Political Filmmaking and May 1968 Paul Douglas Grant “Articulating in-depth political theories and practical choices, this book is the first to be fair with the work of essential filmmakers and underrated collectives. Even in France, many remain undocumented and underanalyzed.” — Nicole Brenez, Université Sorbonne Nouvelle This history covers the filmmaking tradition often referred to as cinéma militant, which emerged in France during the events of May 1968 and flourished for a decade. While some films produced were created by established film- makers, including Chris Marker, Jean-Luc Godard, and William Klein, others were helmed by left-wing filmmakers working in the extreme margins of French cinema. This latter group gave voice to underrepresented popula- tions, such as undocumented immigrants (sans papiers), entry-level factory workers (ouvriers spécialisés), highly intellectual Marxist-Leninist collectives, and militant spe- cial interest groups. While this book spans the broad history of this uncharted tradition, it particularly focuses on these lesser-known figures and works and the films of Cinélutte, Les groupes medvedkine, Atelier de recherche cinématographique, Cinéthique, and the influential Marxist filmmaker Jean-Pierre Thorn. Each represent a certain tendency of this movement in French film history, offering an invaluable account of a tradition that also sought to share untold histories. ORDER ONLINE AND SAVE 30% Enter Code: CInMIl for 30% discount Regular shipping and handling charges apply. PAUL DOUGLAS GRANT is professor of cinema studies and cochair of research at the School of Architecture, Fine Arts, and Design, University of San Carlos, Philippines. He is also the editor of Lilas: A Graphic History of Cinema in Cebu. $28.00 / £21.00 · paper · 978-0-231-17667-5 Now Available 224 pages ---- For past messages, visit the Screen-L Archives: