Apologies for cross posting 30 % off for all SCREEN-L subscribers!* when you quote CS1013TELE<http://www.combinedacademic.co.uk/> when you order <http://www.combinedacademic.co.uk/television-video/27071-amazon-town-tv.html> <http://www.combinedacademic.co.uk/television-video/27071-amazon-town-tv.html>[cid:image002.jpg@01CECC15.C347DF90]<http://www.combinedacademic.co.uk/television-video/27071-amazon-town-tv.html>Amazon Town TV<http://www.combinedacademic.co.uk/television-video/27071-amazon-town-tv.html> An Audience Ethnography in Gurupá, Brazil<http://www.combinedacademic.co.uk/television-video/27071-amazon-town-tv.html> <http://www.combinedacademic.co.uk/television-video/27071-amazon-town-tv.html> Richard Pace & Brian P. Hinote<http://www.combinedacademic.co.uk/television-video/27071-amazon-town-tv.html> "The best ethnographic case study ever written about television's reception and impact within a community anywhere in the world." -Conrad Kottak, Julian H. Seward Collegiate Professor Emeritus of Anthropology, University of Michigan In 1983, anthropologist Richard Pace began his fieldwork in the Amazonian community of Gurupá one year after the first few television sets arrived. On a nightly basis, as the community's electricity was turned on, he observed crowds of people lining up outside open windows or doors of the few homes possessing TV sets, intent on catching a glimpse of this fascinating novelty. Stoic, mute, and completely absorbed, they stood for hours contemplating every message and image presented. So begins the cultural turning point that is the basis of Amazon Town TV, a rich analysis of Gurupá in the decades during and following the spread of television. Pace worked with sociologist Brian Hinote to explore the sociocultural implications of television's introduction in this community long isolated by geographic and communication barriers. They explore how viewers change their daily routines to watch the medium; how viewers accept, miss, ignore, negotiate, and resist media messages; and how television's influence works within the local cultural context to modify social identities, consumption patterns, and worldviews. University of Texas Press 24 b&w photographs, 1 map, 30 tables June 2013 224pp 9780292745179 HB £37 now only £25.90 when you quote CS1013TELE when you order<http://www.combinedacademic.co.uk/television-video/27071-amazon-town-tv.html> [cid:image004.jpg@01CECC15.C347DF90]<http://www.combinedacademic.co.uk/27772-black-power-tv.html>Black Power TV<http://www.combinedacademic.co.uk/27772-black-power-tv.html> Devorah Heitner "Black Power TV effectively works in the space of the articulation between an emergent radical black identity, the ascendant network of public television, and the debate over what equality and racial democracy might actually look like from the vantage point of progressive black people. Devorah Heitner provides a rich look into an exciting and innovative world of black self-making and self representation." -Herman Gray, author of Cultural Moves: African Americans and the Politics of Representation In Black Power TV, Devorah Heitner chronicles the emergence of Black public affairs television starting in 1968. She examines two local shows - New York's Inside Bedford Stuyvesant and Boston's Say Brother -and two national shows - Black Journal and Soul!. These shows offered viewers radical and innovative programming: the introspections of a Black police officer in Harlem, African American high school students discussing visionary alternatives to the curriculum, and Miriam Makeba comparing race relations in the United States to South African apartheid. Black Power TV reveals the ways regulatory, activist, and textual histories are intertwined, and shows how these programs redefined Black representations in ways that continue to reverberate today. Duke University Press 32 illustrations June 2013 208pp 9780822354246 PB £14.99 now only £10.49 when you quote CS1013TELE when you order <http://www.combinedacademic.co.uk/27772-black-power-tv.html> [cid:image006.jpg@01CECC15.C347DF90]<http://www.combinedacademic.co.uk/television-video/27517-black-television-travels.html>Black Television Travels<http://www.combinedacademic.co.uk/television-video/27517-black-television-travels.html> African American Media around the Globe <http://www.combinedacademic.co.uk/television-video/27517-black-television-travels.html> Timothy Havens "Black Television Travels provides a detailed and insightful view of the roots and routes of the televisual representations of blackness on the transnational media landscape. By following the circulation of black cultural products and their institutionalized discourses-including industry lore, taste cultures, and the multiple stories of black experiences that have and have not made it onto the small screen-Havens complicates discussions of racial representation and exposes possibilities for more expansive representations of blackness while recognizing the limitations of the seemingly liberatory spaces created by globalization." -Bambi Haggins, Associate Professor of Film and Media Studies at Arizona State University "A major achievement that makes important contributions to the analysis of race, identity, global media, nation, and television production cultures. Discussions of race and television are too often constricted within national boundaries, yet this fantastic book offers a strong, compelling, and utterly refreshing corrective. Read it, assign it, use it."-Jonathan Gray, author of Television Entertainment, Television Studies, and Show Sold Separately Black Television Travels explores the globalization of African American television and the way in which foreign markets, programming strategies, and viewer preferences have influenced portrayals of African Americans on the small screen. Television executives have been notoriously slow to recognize the potential popularity of black characters and themes, both at home and abroad. As American television brokers increasingly seek revenues abroad, their assumptions about saleability and audience perceptions directly influence the global circulation of these programs, as well as their content. Black Television Travels aims to reclaim the history of African American television circulation in an effort to correct and counteract this predominant industry lore. Havens traces the shift from an era when national television networks often blocked African American television from travelling abroad to the transnational, post-network era of today. New York University Press May 2013 227pp 9780814737217 PB £14.99 now only £10.49 when you quote CS1013TELE when you order <http://www.combinedacademic.co.uk/television-video/27517-black-television-travels.html> [cid:image008.jpg@01CECC15.C347DF90]<http://www.combinedacademic.co.uk/television-video/28228-citizen-machine.html>The Citizen Machine<http://www.combinedacademic.co.uk/television-video/28228-citizen-machine.html> Governing By Television in 1950s America<http://www.combinedacademic.co.uk/television-video/28228-citizen-machine.html> Anna McCarthy "McCarthy has written about an aspect of the 'golden age of television' seldom detailed in histories of early television. This is the story of how some of the largest American commercial corporations of the 1950s used the new medium of television not with the sole intent of advertising their products but to effect social reform on television viewers in order to create 'good citizens.' Highly recommended." Choice "In this engaging and original study, Anna McCarthy examines the high civic hopes once held for U.S. commercial television by the liberal social, political, and business elites who made up the 'governing classes.'" Journal of American History At the dawn of television in the early 1950s, a broad range of powerful groups and individuals-from prominent liberal intellectuals to massive corporations-saw in TV a unique capacity to influence the American masses, shaping (in the words of the American philosopher Mortimer Adler) "the ideas that should be in every citizen's mind." Formed in the shadow of the Cold War-amid the stirrings of the early civil rights movement-the potential of television as a form of unofficial government inspired corporate executives, foundation officers, and other influential leaders to approach TV sponsorship as a powerful new avenue for shaping the course of American democracy. In this compelling political history of television's formative years, media historian Anna McCarthy goes behind the scenes to bring back into view an entire era of civic-minded programming and the ideas about democratic agency from which it sprang. New York University Press June 2013 349pp 9781479881345 PB £15.99 now only £11.19 when you quote CS1013TELE when you order <http://www.combinedacademic.co.uk/television-video/28228-citizen-machine.html> [cid:image010.jpg@01CECC15.C347DF90]<http://www.combinedacademic.co.uk/26588-friday-night-fighter.html>Friday Night Fighter<http://www.combinedacademic.co.uk/26588-friday-night-fighter.html> Gaspar "Indio" Ortega and the Golden Age of Television Boxing<http://www.combinedacademic.co.uk/26588-friday-night-fighter.html> Troy Rondinone "Troy Rondinone masterfully and nostalgically captures the romance of boxing on television in the 1950s. It was a sport on the air, in your living room, and at its crossroads. The Friday Night Fighters may be gone-but they will never be forgotten." -Russell Sullivan, author of Rocky Marciano: The Rock of His Times Friday Night Fighter relives a lost moment in American postwar history, when boxing ruled as one of the nation's most widely televised sports. During the 1950s and 1960s, viewers tuned in weekly to watch widely-recognized fighters engage in primordial battle, with the Gillette Cavalcade of Sports Friday Night Fights being the most popular fight show. Troy Rondinone follows the dual narratives of the Friday Night Fights show and the individual story of Gaspar "Indio" Ortega, a boxer who appeared on primetime network television more than almost any other boxer in history. From humble beginnings growing up poor in Tijuana, Mexico, Ortega personified the phenomenon of postwar boxing at its greatest, appearing before audiences of millions to battle the biggest names of the time, such as Carmen Basilio, Tony DeMarco, Chico Vejar, Benny "Kid" Paret, Emile Griffith, Kid Gavilan, Florentino Fernández, and Luis Manuel Rodriguez. Rondinone explores the factors contributing to the success of televised boxing, including the rise of television entertainment, the role of a "reality" blood sport, Cold War masculinity, changing attitudes toward race in America, and the influence of organized crime. At times evoking the drama and spectacle of the Friday Night Fights themselves, this volume is a lively examination of a time in history when Americans crowded around their sets to watch the main event. University of Illinois Press 14 b&w photographs March 2013 304pp 9780252037375 HB £21.99 now only £15.39 when you quote CS1013TELE when you order<http://www.combinedacademic.co.uk/26588-friday-night-fighter.html> UK Postage and Packing £2.95, Europe £4.50 (PLEASE QUOTE REF NUMBER: CS1013TELE<http://www.combinedacademic.co.uk/> for discount) To order a copy please contact Marston on +44(0)1235 465500 or email [log in to unmask]<mailto:[log in to unmask]> or visit our website: http://www.combinedacademic.co.uk/ where you can also receive your discount *Offer excludes the USA, South America and Australasia. Follow us on Twitter @CAP_Ltd<http://twitter.com/#!/CAP_Ltd> or Facebook Combined Academic-Publishers<http://www.facebook.com/home.php?sfrm=1#!/CombinedAcademicPublishers> ---- For past messages, visit the Screen-L Archives: https://listserv.ua.edu/archives/screen-l.html