DEADLINE 31 JULY MODERN LANGUAGES AND FILM SPRING SCHOOL SKILLS DEVELOPMENT PACKAGE AND BURSARIES AT THE INSTITUTE OF GERMANIC AND ROMANCE STUDIES AVAILABLE FOR POSTGRADUATES Tutors: Jordana Blejmar (IGRS), Erica Carter (King’s College London), Bill Marshall (IGRS), Katia Pizzi (IGRS) Guest Lecturers: Stella Bruzzi (Warwick), Elizabeth Ezra (Stirling), Stephen Gundle (Warwick) In the context of generous funding from the AHRC’s Skills Development Programme, IGRS, in collaboration with King’s College London and the University of London Institute in Paris, is happy to announce a programme of events around Modern Languages and Film Studies, and invites applications for places and bursaries. The main events in the programme are: * A Spring School lasting the whole week beginning 11 March 2013. This will consist of two days of lectures and seminars at IGRS on the use of film archives and libraries, and on languages and film, a day at the British Film Institute and National Film Archive, and two days, accompanied by a tutor, spent at archives and libraries in, depending on specialism, Paris, Frankfurt, Rome or Madrid. * A Study Day on Saturday 8 June 2013 which will be a follow-up event led by students. * Extensive preparation from autumn 2012 on PORT, IGRS’s online postgraduate research training facility. In addition, two other activities will be available to a limited number of students on the programme: * The opportunity, for a maximum of five students only, to attend the 2013 International Film Studies Spring School at Gorizia, Italy, accompanied by one of the tutors. Follow this link for an outline of last year’s Spring School: * The opportunity, for AHRC funded students only, of internships and placements at relevant libraries, archives, publishers and other institutions at times and for periods to be arranged after June 2013. Bursaries We have 10 full bursaries (£600) and 10 bursaries at 50% of cost (£300) to offer for attendance at the whole programme. Applications are welcomed from all PhD students in the UK (whether in receipt of AHRC funding or not) working on francophone, germanophone, italophone or hispanophone cinemas EITHER in Schools/Departments of Modern Languages OR in other departments but who possess working knowledge of the relevant language. The deadline for applications is 31 July 2012 using the application form found at: Successful applicants will be notified by the end of August 2012. The full bursaries include: * Full tuition as described above; * Teas, coffees and lunches for two days at IGRS; * Return travel from London to the National Film Archive at Berkhamsted; * Return travel from London to one of Paris, Frankfurt, Rome or Madrid; * Three nights’ accommodation in one of these cities; * £20 a day subsistence costs for three days outside UK; * Where appropriate, a limited contribution (‘the London fund’) to the cost of return travel within the UK to London, and/or to three nights’ accommodation, to attend the events at IGRS. And for selected students: * Travel to and from Gorizia, with accommodation and subsistence. * Support for internships. Students in receipt of half-bursaries will be required to pay the balance of £300 from their own funds or those of their institution. Those willing and able to pay the full fee will be required to pay £600. Professor Bill Marshall Director, Institute of Germanic & Romance Studies School of Advanced Study University of London Senate House Malet St. London WC1E 7HU. Tel.: + 44 (0) 20 7862 8739. Fax: + 44 (0) 20 7862 8672. Email: [log in to unmask]<mailto:[log in to unmask]>. ---- For past messages, visit the Screen-L Archives: