in response to my original query about contemporary examples of the female gothic, many many of you suggested the "twilight" series - which i had heard of but knew almost nothing about . . . my students, OTOH, knew of it, knew it, thought it a great idea, and immediately saw connections to the issues we've been exploring so, abandoning academic caution, i added new moon to our list of movies . . . but now i need to find some useful critical material on the film [the course pairs every film with a critical essay or chapter from a book] . . . normally i would do a conventional search of the literature, but this is an accelerated course and i need to find something really solid no later than yesterday . . . so i turn to you: can any of you suggest an essay or book that deals perceptively either with new moon or the series it's from, or else with the larger cultural phenomenon of the vampire as contemporary iteration of the brutal but sexy [brutal AND sexy?] male to whom the young woman voluntarily submits thanks for any suggestions or leads mike ---- To sign off Screen-L, e-mail [log in to unmask] and put SIGNOFF Screen-L in the message. Problems? Contact [log in to unmask]