A few years ago, an updated version of The Portrait of Dorian Gray called Dorian used a photograph instead of the titular portrait to reveal Dorian's evil streak. The Blair Witch Project might also be an interesting inclusion -- the video seems to capture less than what the three filmmakers seem to experience, and the final shot, if I recall correctly, places one of the characters in a place and position that he shouldn't be. Also, The Eyes of Laura Mars features a photographer who sees murders through the eyes of others, which is a bit of a twist on the idea (i.e. reality is revealed through a proxy viewing device). Deron Overpeck, Ph.D. Assistant Professor, Radio, Television and Film Program Department of Communication and Journalism Auburn University >>> Dorothee Birke <[log in to unmask]> 1/16/2009 7:39 AM >>> Dear list members, This is a question for horror film buffs: we are currently trying to compile a corpus of horror films in which photography is used in order to show things that are invisible to the naked eye. Examples would be The Omen, in which smudges on photographs foreshadow the deaths of the people in the picture, or Shutter, in which photos reveal the presence of a ghost. Can anybody think of horror films featuring photographs or photographers? We would greatly appreciate your help! With many thanks in advance and best wishes Dorothee and Michael PS: Other films that already came to mind were Ring, The Shining and The Asphyx. ------------------------------- Dorothee Birke and Michael Butter Junior fellows Freiburg Institute for Advanced Studies (FRIAS) School of Language and Literature Albert-Ludwigs-Universitaet Freiburg Albertstr. 19 79104 Freiburg Germany _________________________________________________________________ http://redirect.gimas.net/?n=M0901xClipClub Windows Live Messenger + MSN Video = MSN ClipClub! ---- Online resources for film/TV studies may be found at ScreenSite http://www.ScreenSite.org ---- Online resources for film/TV studies may be found at ScreenSite http://www.ScreenSite.org