SW/TX PCA/ACA Call for Presentations: Transgressive Cinema Panel Deadline for submission: November 15, 2008 Online: http://www.h-net.org/~swpca/index.html <http://www.h-net.org/~swpca/index.html> The 30th Annual Meeting of the Southwest/Texas Popular and American Culture Associations February 24-28, 2009 Hyatt Regency Albuquerque Albuquerque, New Mexico The area chairs are seeking submissions for presentations on any aspect of Exploitation/Horror/Experimental film, although papers that explicitly engage with the concept of "transgression" are strongly encouraged. This is the third year for this area, and we are hoping to expand on the success of the previous two years in order to make SW/TX PCA/ACA an important forum for scholarly discussion of these kinds of films. This year, we will also be continuing our well-received film screening/discussion panel series. Last year, our focus was on James Landis' 1963 film, The Sadist, starring Arch Hall, Jr. This year, we will be screening Ruggero Deodato's notorious 1980 film, Cannibal Holocaust. If you are interested in participating in this roundtable discussion, please contact the area co-chairs. If societies are defined by the limits they place on personal behavior, then acts of transgression are necessary to identify just where those limits lie. Significantly, films that exist outside of the multiplex mainstream often traffic in representations of such taboo breaking. In other words, this panel is seeking presentations that look at films that "push the envelope to the point of tearing it." The types of films and filmmaking that we are looking for are not limited to traditional horror films, or even the many subgenres that can be described as "exploitation." Transgressive themes are frequently explored in experimental and arthouse cinema as well. Nevertheless, as a general rule these films all share a penchant for content that disturbs more than it placates. We encourage submissions to utilize a wide variety of methodological approaches, from psychoanalysis to reception studies. Some filmmakers to consider: Nick Zedd/Richard Kern/Genesis P. O and Psychic TV/Matthew Barney/Herman Nitsch/Dwain Esper/H.G. Lewis/ Ruggero Deodato/Lucio Fulci/Dario Argento/Andy Milligan/Kenneth Anger/George Kuchar/Curt McDowell/ Ken Jacobs/Craig Baldwin/Georges Franju/Bunuel/Fellini/ Jörg Buttgereit/ Jan Svankmajer/Takashi Miike/ Abel Ferrara/ Tony Tenser/Pete Walker/ Monika Treut/Jane Campion/Alfred Hitchcock/David Cronenberg/Rob Zombie/Peter Greenaway These are only a FEW of the filmmakers one could look at; we strongly encourage papers that examine others as well. Co-chairs: Rob Weiner Box 53841 Lubbock, TX 79453 <mailto:[log in to unmask]> [log in to unmask] John Cline 2200 S. Pleasant Valley Rd. Apt 808 Austin, TX 78741 <mailto:[log in to unmask]> [log in to unmask] Conference Rates: Professionals, $140; Graduate students $120; Spouse, partner $50 Information about our areas of study, conference travel, lodging, and the organization can be found on our regularly updated website: http://www.h-net.org/~swpca/index.html <http://www.h-net.org/~swpca/index.html> We look forward to seeing you this winter in sunny Albuquerque where we invite you to explore Route 66, local pueblos, hiking trails, museums, the Sandia and Isleta casinos, area ski resorts, and nearby Santa Fe. SW/TX PCA/ACA 2009 Conference February 24-28, 2009 Hyatt Regency Albuquerque 330 Tijeras Albuquerque, NM 87102 Phone: 1.505.842.1234 Fax: 1.505.766.6710 ---- For past messages, visit the Screen-L Archives: http://bama.ua.edu/archives/screen-l.html