1. New book on French Cinema 2. PhD Studentship 3. AFFECAV conference call. ********************************************************** 1. New book on French Cinema 'France at the Flicks: Trends in Contemporary French Popular Cinema' Darren Waldron and Isabelle Vanderschelden (eds), Cambridge Scholars Publishing, 2007. ISBN-10: 1847183018; ISBN-13: 978-1847183019. This book focuses on the evolutions that have occurred in French popular cinema in recent years. It provides an extensive overview of some of the significant changes affecting a film market which is showing strong signs of revitalisation after years of Hollywood dominance. A number of domestic productions released since the late 1990s have rivalled American blockbusters in terms of audience figures and many of these big commercial successes are discussed in detail in this volume. The strength of this book lies not only in its timeliness in terms of its publication, but also in the fact that it includes case studies of films which enjoyed international appreciation and productions which were not distributed abroad. Consequently, the volume affords a unique insight into French films which resonate with audiences outside of France as well as those which are purely available to and enjoyed by local, domestic viewing groups. Moreover, many of the contributors to this volume extend beyond film analysis and explore the production, distribution and exhibition contexts as well as critical and audience reception. As a result, the book as a whole makes an original contribution to the growing area of French Film Studies and is intended to be enjoyed by students and scholars as well as keen followers of cinema in France. ********************************************************** 2. PhD Studentship AHRC funded PhD Studentship University of Manchester/York St John University Audiences, Screen Dance and Kinesthetic Empathy The Arts and Humanities Research Council is offering three years of funding to work on a PhD on the topic of Audiences, Screen Dance and Kinesthetic Empathy. The PhD will be jointly supervised by Prof. Dee Reynolds (University of Manchester) and Dr Matthew Reason (York St John University), and will be located at Manchester. The successful applicant will have fees paid, and, where eligible, receive a full AHRC maintenance grant, while participating in a project, also funded by the Arts and Humanities Research Council, entitled 'Watching Dance: Kinesthetic Empathy', which will run for thirty-six calendar months from 1 April 2008. This is an interdisciplinary, collaborative project, involving qualitative audience research and neuroscience, with the participation of researchers at the Universities of Manchester, York St John, Glasgow, and Imperial College, London. Further details at http://www.llc.manchester.ac.uk/postgraduate/funding/ <http://www.llc.manchester.ac.uk/postgraduate/funding/> ********************************************************** 3. AFFECAV conference call. Congrès Afeccav 9-10-11 juillet 2008, Université Bordeaux 3 Comité scientifique : Pierre Beylot, Isabelle Le Corff, Michel Marie Carrying out research in cinema and audiovisual arts: Methods and issues What does it mean to carry out research in cinema and audiovisual arts? This conference, the 6th of its kind organised by the AFECCAV (French Association of Teachers and Researchers in Cinema and Audiovisual Arts), does not intend to assemble a simple report on the different approaches and methods. It aims at initiating a reflection on the very nature of this research, on the multiplicity of the objects and purposes it has assigned itself. Our intention is thus, not to draw up a general map of research, to partition or juxtapose the different methodologies, but rather to instigate a dynamic movement of exchanges and debates which will allow the researchers coming from very different epistemological horizons to confront their points of view and to question their identity as researchers. This conference will in this regard explore the different methods, problems, fieldwork realities, and it will question the meeting points, the interactions and cross-disciplinary subjects between researchers dealing with an indeed complex field of cross-fertilisation between cinema, television and new media. With this conference, the AFECCAV wishes to voice as clearly as possible its vocation as a scholarly society. True to our open tradition, we will accept contributions from all of our members, experienced lecturers and PhD students alike. But our wish is also to confer a scientific rigour and an international dimension to this gathering, by inviting a number of key personalities representing in France and abroad the main streams of research in cinema and audiovisual arts. This conference could thus be punctuated in plenary sessions by the contributions of our keynote speakers, and in smaller workgroups allowing the members of our society to offer their own methodology of research. These contributions could be organised around five main strands of research, each time bringing together French and foreign researchers, specialised in cinema and/or audiovisual arts: - Sources and new writing modes in the history of cinema and the media: What impulses do resource-institutions (e.g., in France, the "Archives du film", the "Cinémathèque", The "Bibliothèque Nationale de France" or the "Institut National de l'Audiovisuel") give to research? What comparisons can be drawn with other countries? Which methods to capitalise on the archives? How can the history of cinema and television be written? - Economic questions and technological changes: How do issues such as production, management and circulation of the media echo in the world of technological advances that leave their marks on cinema, audiovisual and digital arts. Can "intermediality" be analysed within the framework of economic questions and social tradition? - Cross-disciplinary exchanges: Which fault lines and meeting points can we recognize between approaches that are based on aesthetics, on semiotics, on the sociology of arts and the media, on cultural and gender studies? Which problematics, which methodologies, which fields of research can be seen to emerge with each different approach? - Cultural legitimacy and critical hierarchy: The perfect object of research? How do researchers consider (or negate) the opposition between a "cinéma d'auteur" (including on TV) and popular cinema and television films. What paths can be seen to legitimate the work of an author? Which specific types of release seem to bestow this legitimacy? What are the frontier lines between research work and critical work? - Questions of reception and socio-cultural processes: What about the identity and differentiation of audiences? Can we analyse the development of the viewers' taste? Which strategies of distinction and which communities of interpretation emerge? What is the importance of social, cultural or sexual identities of the viewer in this process? Which tools and methods to analyse how the viewers receive the media? In order to encourage confrontations and debates, the participants could be asked to work along these lines and around questions which are not consensus-based and could lead us to show the cracks and faults among our community (if this community can be said to exist and to recognise itself as such, which could constitute an entire object of reflection and study for this conference). Keynote speakers : Thomas Elssaesser, Université d'Amsterdam, Colin Mac Cabe, Université de Pittsburg, Jérôme Bourdon, Université de Tel-Aviv, Leonardo Quaresima, Université de Bologne, Laurent Le Forestier, Université de Rennes II, François Jost, Université de Paris III, Raphaëlle Moine, Université de Paris X, Ginette Vincendeau, Kings'College, Londres, Marc Lits, Université de Louvain, Geneviève Sellier, Université de Caen, Laurent Creton, Université de Paris III, Jonathan Buchsbaum, New York University, Claude Forest, Université de Paris III, Thierry Lancien, Université de Bordeaux III. Les propositions de communications doivent parvenir par mail avant le 15 février 2008 aux membres du comité scientifique : [log in to unmask] ; [log in to unmask] ; [log in to unmask] ---- Learn to speak like a film/TV professor! Listen to the ScreenLex podcast: http://www.screenlex.org