CFP: Not Quite White: Marginalized Whiteness in Film and Television Society for Cinema and Media Studies Philadelphia, PA March 6 – 8, 2008 We are seeking interested participants for a pre-constituted panel for next year's Society for Cinema and Media Studies Conference. The following has been posted on the SCMS bulletin board, but we wanted to share it with you through this listserv as well. Not Quite White: Marginalized Whiteness in Film and Television In the burgeoning field of whiteness studies, media scholars have increasingly considered the representation of marginalized white identities in film and television. Our panel aims to contribute to this crucial discussion by focusing on those identities – from working-class to immigrant and beyond – through which the limits and contradictions of whiteness are articulated. As such, we are seeking papers that explore the various configurations of “whiteness on the border,” including but not limited to the following marginalized white identities: queer, multiracial, immigrant, regional, working-class, disabled and “white trash.” We are looking for papers that explicitly engage with whiteness. We also welcome papers that consider marginal whiteness outside the American context. Our own papers, for example, deal with American hillbilly horror films and Scottish working-class identities, both of which speak to larger issues of white hegemony in their respective national contexts. If you wish to participate, please e-mail your 300-word paper proposal to us no later than August 1, 2007, following the format (title, summary, bibliography, author info.) for panel papers as detailed on the SCMS website ( We look forward to reading your submissions! Curran Nault, University of Texas at Austin [log in to unmask] Kevin Sanson, University of Texas at Austin [log in to unmask] --------------------------------- Building a website is a piece of cake. Yahoo! Small Business gives you all the tools to get online. ---- For past messages, visit the Screen-L Archives: