Senior Lecturer/Reader in Film Studies Salary £39,935-£50,228 University of Southampton School of Humanities You will be joining a highly dynamic and internationally respected disciplinary grouping, with a strong record of research excellence and curricular innovation. Applications from scholars whose expertise encompasses an international or transnational dimension, which is a specific strength of Film Studies at Southampton, would be welcome, but researchers with a distinguished record of research in any area of Film Studies are encouraged to apply. You will attract and recruit high quality research students and contribute to teaching and administrative activities within Film including its thriving MA and PhD programmes. Evidence of an ability to provide academic leadership is expected. For informal enquiries, contact Professor Tim Bergfelder, Head of Film. E-mail address: [log in to unmask] Deatils about the department can be found on our website: For further particulars, job specification, and online applications, please visit:*13CAEDA1952 966E3 Closing date is Friday 5th January 2007 Starting date: April 2007 or as soon as possible thereafter It is expected that interviews will be held in February 2007 ---- To sign off Screen-L, e-mail [log in to unmask] and put SIGNOFF Screen-L in the message. Problems? Contact [log in to unmask]