You might try "The War Game"--it's a staged documentary (one, if not  
the first, of this sort) of a nuclear exchange in Britain and it's  
aftermath.  Just reissued.  Whether NetFlix has it or not, I don't know.


On Aug 1, 2006, at 6:16 PM, Lou Thompson wrote:

> Hello all,
> I am teaching a graduate course called Rhetoric of/and Film this  
> fall.  I'm looking for some suggestions for films.  I'd like to  
> cover about ten or so, at least half documentary.  I'm so  
> overwhelmed with the sheer number of options right now I'm having  
> trouble settling on something, so I thought I'd send a request for  
> any suggestions, ideas, etc.  I'm looking for a variety of films  
> that will offer us the opportunity to examine ideology and how it  
> is presented in varying methods and degrees.
> There are a few restrictions:
> The students are graduate students in English and/or rhetoric, not  
> film students.  Some of them will have had other film classes with  
> me, but most will not have.  Though the list below may seem like  
> films everyone has seen, the sad truth is that most of my students  
> will have seen maybe one or two of them.  Only one student will  
> have seen them all, but she's one of my Netflix buddies.
> The class is an online class, so the films will have to be obtained  
> through means such as Netflix or GreenCine.  So no Nanook.
> Here's what I have so far: (It's very tentative)
> Documentaries
> Triumph of the Will (Netflix has it!!)
> Fog of War
> Bowling for Columbine
>  Features:
> Rashomon
> Philadelphia
> The Quiet American
> The New World
> Three Kings
> Crash
> Thanks in advance for any help.
> Lou
> ___________________________________________
> Dr. Lou Ann Thompson
> Professor of English
> Department of English, Speech,  and Foreign Languages
> Texas Woman's University
> Denton, TX 76204
> _________________________________________________
> "One Law for the Lion and the Ox is Oppression"--William Blake
> _________________________________________
> "It could be worse.  I could be Sting."--Ozzie Osbourne
> ----
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