Dear ListServ Administrator: Please post this to Screen-L. Also, please let me know if you'd like to review the book for your listserv. Thanks! Best wishes, Stacy Lienemann Direct Response and Scholarly Promotions Manager University of Minnesota Press 111 Third Avenue South, Suite 290 Minneapolis, MN 55401-2520 612-627-1934 Reveals the complexity of the ties between Hollywood and new media. THE CINEMA DREAMS ITS RIVALS: Media Fantasy Films from Radio to the Internet Paul Young University of Minnesota Press | 360 pages | 2006 ISBN 0-8166-3598-6 | hardcover | $75.00 ISBN 0-8166-3599-4 | paperback | $25.00 Paul Young looks at the American cinema's imaginative constructions of three electronic media‹radio, television, and the Internet‹at the times when these media seemed to hold limitless possibilities. The Cinema Dreams Its Rivals demonstrates that Hollywood is marked by the advent of each new medium, but conversely, the identities of the media are themselves changed as Hollywood turns them to its own purposes. ³An important interrogation of technological mediation in culture, The Cinema Dreams It Rivals delves into film history to find instances of 'media fantasies'‹moments when extant technologies construct myths about other, newer media.² ‹Donald Crafton For more information, visit the book¹s webpage: Sign up to receive news on the latest releases from University of Minnesota Press: ---- Screen-L is sponsored by the Telecommunication & Film Dept., the University of Alabama: