Please circulate to anyone you know who may be interested. Call for Papers GENDER AND EAST ASIAN CINEMA: A Study Day Institute of Film and Television Studies University of Nottingham, England Friday 21 October, 2005. Dark Water, Happy Together, Hero, Infernal Affairs, My Sassy Girl, Old Boy, Shaolin Soccer, Spirited Away, Take Care of My Cat, Unknown Pleasures, Yi Yi....East Asia continues to produce many of the world's most important and innovative contemporary films. However, within the ever-expanding multidisciplinary field of Asian cinema studies, gender remains a relatively neglected issue. This study day seeks to illustrate the diversity of masculine and feminine representation in Chinese, Japanese, and Korean cinema by interrogating the cultural politics of gender and sexuality in its various manifestations across the region. We welcome papers on all aspects of gender and East Asian cinema and from any academic discipline. Films discussed may be from any historical period. The Study Day will be held as part of the 2005 East Asian Film Festival (17-23 October) at the picturesque Lakeside Arts Center ( on the University Park campus. A major academic publisher has expressed interest in publishing papers arising from the Study Day in book form. Please send proposals of 300 words and a short biographical note by 28th August 2005 to both Yan Ying ([log in to unmask]) and Sabrina Yu ([log in to unmask]) Or by post to: Yan Ying and Sabrina Yu c/o Institute of Film and Television Studies School of American and Canadian Studies University of Nottingham University Park, Nottingham, NG7 2RD, England. This message has been checked for viruses but the contents of an attachment may still contain software viruses, which could damage your computer system: you are advised to perform your own checks. Email communications with the University of Nottingham may be monitored as permitted by UK legislation. ---- Screen-L is sponsored by the Telecommunication & Film Dept., the University of Alabama: