Last night I watched _The Stenographer's Friend Or What Was Accomplished by an Edison Business Phonograph_ (1910) on the More Treasures DVD. It looked like the right side of the image was cut off. I understand that in the silent period the part of the film that now holds the optical soundtrack used to hold more picture information, although the ratio was pretty much the same. Reportedly, this is the reason the cheapo DVD of _His Majesty, the Scarecrow of Oz_ (1914) is cropped down the LEFT side. I would think that the optical soundtrack could be only on one side of the image. It's certainly possible that this film was poorly framed. Otherwise, it's not the quality I would expect from such a collection. Is it just that Elmo doesn't make a device for transferring silent-width film? You'd think they could make special machines for a project of this magnitude. ________________________________________________________________ Sent via the WebMail system at ---- For past messages, visit the Screen-L Archives: