Sorry for the cross-posting. I'm teaching two "angel" movies in my film course: Wenders' Wings of Desire and Silberling's "remake": City of Angels. Among many many other things, we'll be discussing "soundtrack" as an aid in making "meaning." Wenders' soundtrack is phenomenal, and his composer's description of his methods (in the DVD "Interview") echoes in some ways how the film came together--experimentally and incrementally--but I'm in need of some advice to talk about the "angel" music in Silberling's film. Silberling employs the songs of already well-known vocalists or groups (U2, Jim Hendrix, John Lee Hooker, Sarah McLachlan, Eric Clapton, etc. where in some places the film even starts resembling an MTV production); but one of them very strangely is Alanis Morisette's "Uninvited." It's only played during the credits, a ploy I see a number of films using (such as the fabulous song by tomandandy, "Half Light," played during the credits for _The Mothman Prophecies_. I hope I'm writing to the best audience here; I know that film score has only fairly recently become a focus in film criticism, and I need the advice of someone who is familiar with this song and why it's used in this, I think, fairly confused movie. I will argue that there are incoherencies and contradictions in both the Wenders and the Silberling films but for different reasons, and I think one incoherent element in the latter is the choice of "Uninvited." It is a compellingly powerful melody sung to a strong beat and a minor chord whose lyrics, outside their context in City of Angels, sound like an egotistical pop-star's dismissal of an idolizer who wants to be part of her "crowd." Here are the words as I was able to get them off a website (they are very hard to follow on a CD, mainly because Morisette's style seems to be to put syllabic emphasis in an unnatural place): Like anyone would be I am flattered by your fascination with me Like any hot-blooded woman I have simply wanted [an] object to crave But you you're not allowed You're uninvited An unfortunate slight Must be strangely exciting To watch the stoic squirm Must be somewhat heartening To watch shepherd need shepherd But you, you're not allowed You're uninvited An unfortunate slight Like any uncharted territory I must seem greatly intriguing You speak of my love like You have experienced love like mine before But this is not allowed You're uninvited An unfortunate slight I don't think you unworthy I need a moment to deliberate [MUSIC SOARS] The whole film is about how Maggie Rice "invites" the angels attention by her seeing him, how she "invites" his advances when she thinks he's a man. She rejects him momentarily when he tells her he's an angel in love with her ("I can't conceive of it!") and then, told that he could "fall," she rejects him to save him from rejecting eternity. But she "invites" him into her home when he has fallen, makes love to him, and gets killed in a bicycle accident. What does the song have to do with the movie? My hunch is that it was chosen for its melodic quasi-mystical ambience, and for the sense it gives of a "goddess" speaking to a mortal (is that what Maggie has become for Seth?). Does anyone know the background of this song and what the singer means by "it must be strangely exciting to watch the stoic squirm?" Or that it must be "heartening to watch shepherd need shepherd"? Was the song written for the film? These lines, especially the latter, might indicate that the angel, the shepherd, finds he needs shepherding, or that the angel, the stoic and unfeeling, can be made to feel, but these lines don't fit the rest of the song. The rest of the song, if heard within the chords of the movie, seem to suggest that the singer doesn't want the ministrations of an angel, who is a "fan." If the Silberling's film is suggesting that it is no business of an angel to "fall," that it is not within his nature to want to touch a mortal woman's hair, that he's misbehaving, or seeking one not of his race, class, or species, or that he allies himself with the Sons of God who lusted after the Daughters of Men and begot on them a race of giants (Wings of Desire makes much better reference to scriptural and pseudepigraphal writings about aberrant angels) then is this where Silberling expresses what should have been an issue in the movie? Could that be what the director was after? Or is it just a cool melody? Production for production's sake and a neat thing to have on the soundtrack? Thanks in advance, Sarah Post Script: I think the credits is becoming a site for musical (or visual) commentary that either reinforces or counters the "message" of the film, and this is something I want to draw the attention of my impatient students to. What has been said about this? About 90 percent of the audience gets up from a movie during the credits, but I find filmmakers using the credits to give extra information, however obliquely, to those curious enough to sit through them. On DVD's, people will pore over the commentaries to get the Easter egg, but still get up during the credits. ********************************************************************* Sarah L. Higley [log in to unmask] [log in to unmask] Associate Professor of English office: (585) 275-9261 The University of Rochester fax: (585) 442-5769 Rochester NY, 14627 ********************************************************************* Py dydwc glein / O erddygnawt vein? "What brings a gem from a hard stone?" 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