In less than two weeks, we will be sending out Milestone's brand-new 2004 Video Catalog including new release such as: THE EDGE OF THE WORLD (dir. Michael Powell, special edition) NORMAN McLAREN: THE COLLECTOR'S EDITION (2-disc set) CUT-UP: THE FILMS OF GRANT MUNRO PHANTOM OF THE OPERA: THE ULTIMATE EDITION (Lon Chaney) I'M GOING HOME (Manoel de Oliveira) THE BLOT (Lois Weber) and other favorites of ours! For the first time, we'll be offering a sale: 10% off any order, OR Buy three, get one free, OR Buy six and get two free with free shipping as well! * If you'd like to receive this catalog, please email me directly with your postal address to [log in to unmask] Dennis Doros Milestone Film & Video PO Box 128 Harrington Park, NJ 07640 Phone: (800) 603-1104 or (201) 767-3117 Fax: (201) 767-3035 Email: [log in to unmask] * Free VHS or DVD must be of equal or lower price than those purchased. No other discounts apply. ---- To sign off Screen-L, e-mail [log in to unmask] and put SIGNOFF Screen-L in the message. Problems? Contact [log in to unmask]