Screenlisters: I'm looking at a lot of ghost movies from the 1940s (Ghost and Mrs Muir, Portrait of Jennie, A Guy Named Joe) and began to notice that there seem to be quite a few of what I might call "almost ghost" or "pseudo ghost" films in the period. Examples: The Ghost Breakers (1941): the ghost turns out to be a scam... Laura The Lost Moment (1947): adaptation of James' "The Aspern Papers"-- Miss Tina isn't literally a ghost but has almost made herself one by sheer force of will... Can you think of any more films of the 40s that are like these? Either the viewer is temporarily led to believe there is a ghost at work, or else one or more characters behave in a ghostly manner while the viewer is let in on the truth. Andy Miller University of Missouri-Columbia ---- For past messages, visit the Screen-L Archives: