Please forward the following to all subscribers - thank you. Call for Papers: From Here to Reality: Reality TV and its Contexts edited by Su Holmes and Deborah Jermyn, Southampton Institute, UK Proposals are sought for an edited collection on Reality TV. The explosion of Reality TV has transformed the contemporary television landscape. The formats, images and conventions of reality programming have been stitched into the very fabric of television - its institutional structures, economics, schedules and viewing cultures - to an extent unimaginable just five years ago. The book seeks to explore this shift by focusing on the emergence and significance of Reality TV and its production and consumption in specific programme forms. While the form encompasses a range of programming, we welcome proposals which examine: · The use of 'ordinary people' placed in 'extraordinary' situations (for example Big Brother, Eden, Survivor, Shipwrecked, Castaway 2000, PopStars, Pop Idol, Bar Wars, Faking It) · The use of 'real' footage recorded by journalists/ emergency services/ CCTV The editors seek contributions exploring the contemporary cultural significance of Reality TV for both broadcasters and viewers, including the following: · Broadcasters: · Global formats · National differences · Comparisons between commercial/ public service broadcasters · Strategies of particular channels · Industry discourse · Marketing/ promotion · Text: · Historical emergence of Reality TV · Genre boundaries/ generic hybridity/ intertextual relationships with other programme forms · Press and/or industry definitions/ responses/ construction of cultural value/ criticisms · Methodological approaches to hybrid texts · Technological/aesthetic construction of Reality TV · Reality TV and media convergence · Interactivity · Construction of melodrama/ realism/ the 'ordinary' · Construction of stardom/ celebrity/ success · Representation of identity - gender, class, sexuality, 'race', ethnicity · The politics of surveillance/ 'voyeurism'/ 'exploitation'/ 'exhibitionism' · Ideological representation of 'deviance'/ crime · Audience/ Consumption · Programme address · The promise of Reality TV - interactivity/ 'empowerment' · The intertextual circulation of Reality TV - Internet, press, magazines · Fan responses · Comparative responses to shows in different national contexts · Relationships between viewers and 'performers' Please send proposals of approximately 500 words with a short CV by June 1 2002 to: Su Holmes and Deborah Jermyn Faculty of Media, Arts and Society Southampton Institute East Park Terrace Southampton SO14 0YN U.K. [log in to unmask] [log in to unmask] ---- Online resources for film/TV studies may be found at ScreenSite