***JAMES B. PENDLETON TEACHING FELLOW PROGRAM*** POSITION: James B. Pendleton Fellow in screenwriting; a 3-year, non-renewable, non-tenure eligible position beginning Fall 2002. QUALIFICATIONS: Fellow must have received an M.F.A., Ph.D., or equivalent within the last 5 years. Fellowship is for emerging teacher/writer in the field of screenwriting. RANK/SALARY: James B. Pendleton Fellow/Assistant Professor. Salary competitive, benefits eligible. AREAS OF TEACHING RESPONSIBILITIES: Primary teaching responsibility will be in the areas of screenwriting, including two introductory screenwriting courses. Fellow will teach a 3-course load each term, one of which may be in her or his area of interest/specialization. Additional competency in cinema production encouraged but not required. OTHER RESPONSIBILITIES: Fellow will create a public program related to screenwriting each year of the fellowship. Fellow will interact with our undergraduates to encourage their academic, creative, and professional development. Fellow will formally advise undergraduate students but will not be expected to serve on committees. APPLICATION: Applicants should forward: a vita; two writing samples (at least one of which must be a longform narrative); statement of interest describing areas of teaching, academic, and professional interests; a short one-page proposal for a sophomore/junior level course in candidate’s specialty area; and names of three references. Additional writing samples may be requested at a later date. No faxed or electronically transmitted materials will be accepted. ADDRESS APPLICATIONS & INQUIRIES TO: James B. Pendleton Teaching Fellow Committee Elisabeth Nonas, Chair Cinema and Photography Department 350 Roy H. Park School of Communications Ithaca College Ithaca, NY 14850-7251 DEADLINE: Screening begins April 10, 2002, and will continue until the position is filled. Ithaca College is an independent, residential, comprehensive college with an undergraduate enrollment of approximately 5,800 students. It is located in the scenic Finger Lakes Region of central New York. The Roy H. Park School of Communications is one of four professional schools within the College, and enrolls approximately 1,300 students in the majors of three undergraduate departments (Cinema and Photography, Television-Radio, and Organizational Communications, Learning, and Design); a B.S. in Journalism, a B.S. in Telecommunications Management, a B.F.A. in Film, Photography, and the Visual Arts, and a B.A. in Media Studies are also offered. The Ithaca College Los Angeles Communications Program offers an internship-based full-semester program to junior and senior communication students. The Graduate Studies program offers an M.S. in Communications. Recent grants and bequests from the Park Foundation and the estate of James B. Pendleton, totaling over $27 million, have positioned the Park School as one of the strongest undergraduate communication programs in the nation and created state-of-the-art support facilities in audio, video, film, photography, multi-media and telecommunications. ITHACA COLLEGE IS AN EQUAL OPPORTUNITY/AFFIRMATIVE ACTION EMPLOYER. MEMBERS OF UNDER-REPRESENTED GROUPS (INCLUDING PEOPLE OF COLOR, PERSONS WITH DISABILITIES, VIETNAM VETERANS AND WOMEN) ARE ENCOURAGED TO APPLY. ---- For past messages, visit the Screen-L Archives: http://bama.ua.edu/archives/screen-l.html