Sage are proud to announce the publication of the first issue of Visual Communication. The contents for this issue are listed below. If you require further information about the journal please goto Best wishes Debbie ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- ----------- Visual Communication Volume 01 Issue 01 - Publication Date: 1 February 2002 Editorial Articles Crafting participation: designing ecologies, configuring experience Christian Heath, Paul Luff, Dirk Vom Lehn and Jon Hindmarsh King's College, London and Jason Cleverly University of Staffordshire Reflections on Practice Rethinking Sitting Peter Opsvik Norway Article The subject of painting: works by Barbara Walker and Eugene Palmer Gen Doy De Montfort University, Leicester Design Works Centuring the City Paul Overy Middlesex University Article Materiality in children's meaning-making practices Fiona Ormerod and Roz Ivanic Lancaster University Design Works Entering Into a New Age of Museology: London's Science Museum Catherine McDermott Kingston University Article The implication of visual research for discourse analysis: transcription beyond language Sigrid Norris Georgetown University, Washington, DC Book Reviews Heywood, Ian and Barry Sandywell, Interpreting Visual Culture: Explorations in the Hermeneutics of the Visual, reviewed by Suzanne Scollon Barnard, Michael, Approaches to Understanding Visual Culture, reviewed by Anthony Baldry Evans, Jessica and Stuart Hall (eds), Visual Culture : The Reader, reviewed by Lynn Mario T. Menezes de Souza Mirzoeff, Nicholas (ed), The Visual Culture Reader, reviewed by Lynn Mario T. Menezes de Souza Debbie Cock Journals Marketing Manager SAGE Publications 6 Bonhill Street London EC2A 4PU Tel: +44 (0) 20 7374 0645 extn 2212 Fax: +44 (0) 20 7374 8741 E-mail: [log in to unmask] Website: ---- Screen-L is sponsored by the Telecommunication & Film Dept., the University of Alabama: