Announcement of dates for 2002 meeting of Film and History League. Plan ahead....... Title of conference: The American West(s) in Film and History November 7-9, 2002 Kansas City Marriott--Country Club Plaza One block from the biggest attraction in Kansas City, Missouri--the Country Club Plaza--and two blocks from the major art museums of the city. Parking is free and special rates with Southwest Airlines will be in place for the meeting. More details will emerge over the coming months. We are looking for Area Chairs to facilitate proposals and to shape panels. Join us....Check the web site for information about the journal and the League. Peter Peter C. Rollins, Editor Film & History: An Interdisciplinary Journal of Film and TV Studies (Web site: Also, RR 3 Box 80 Cleveland, OK 74020 (918)243-7637 and fax 5995 [log in to unmask] Comments: Individual subscription information on the web site as well as information and FAQ's about the CD-ROMs. There are also discussion items and essays on Saving Private Ryan, Amistad, CNN's Cold War, and a host of other topics. The Table of Contents for the last thirty years is there as well. Lastest issues deal with Television as Historian and edited by Gary Edgerton (Old Dominion U). The next two issues will focus on THE COLD WAR IN FILM AND TV with senior scholar Phil Landon (UMBC) as guest editor. Recent conference was in November, 2000 on The Presidency in Film at the Ronald Reagan Presidential Library, Simi Valley, California (45 mins. north of LAX). Information and registration details are on the web site! This conference was co-sponsored by California State University-Northridge, a neighbor to the Presidential Library and the conference hotel. Two books will result: _The Presidency in Film and TV_ will be a comprehensive overview and will be published by the UP of Kentucky. A collection of essays on _The West Wing_ is under consideration by the Syracuse UP. (See "The Chronicle of Higher Education" HOT TYPE column for details--January 5th, 2001.) Next conference will be in the fall of 2002 and will focus on the topic of THE AMERICAN WEST(S) IN FILM, TELEVISION, AND HISTORY. The event will be held in Kansas City, one of the great gateways to the West. Please start planning your paper! Dates will be November 7-9, 2002 otra vez. ---- For past messages, visit the Screen-L Archives: