Ruth Perlmutter requests: > Would love to hear a recommended list from this group of films/books > that are concerned with "parallel universes and possible worlds." > Thanks, Ruth Perlmutter In terms of fiction books, there's a huge number in the realm of SF, from Harry Turtledove's series about a U.S. in which the Confederacy won the Civil War to Norman Spinrad's ingenious THE IRON DREAM (a presentation of LORD OF THE SWASTIKA, by a German/Austrian expatriate named Adolph Hitler), to Joanne Russ's THE FEMALE MAN and so on. There are also a number of anthologies along the lines of ALTERNATE KENNEDYS. Any good SF bookstore would be able to steer you to a number of possibilities. For crit., see FEMINIST FUTURES: CONTEMPORARY WOMEN'S SPECULATIVE FICTION by Natalie M. Rosinsky and several works by Marleen Barr, among others. Also check back issues of SCIENCE FICTION STUDIES and EXTRAPOLATIONS. For films, see the BACK TO THE FUTURE series, Kathleen Turner in PEGGY SUE GOT MARRIED and JULIA AND JULIA, RUN LOLA RUN, THE DOUBLE LIFE OF VERONIQUE, PLEASANTVILLE, BEING JOHN MALKOVITCH, PASSION OF MIND (the recent one with Demi Moore). The forthcoming THE FAMILY MAN, with Nicolas Cage, looks to be an inversion of IT'S A WONDERFUL LIFE. And, of course, there are the various versions of A CHRISTMAS CAROL. Also, Robert Enrico's short-film version of Ambrose Bierce's AN OCCURENCE AT OWL CREEK BRIDGE Then are politicized fantasies like RED NIGHTMARE! The Cuban film LUCIA sort of fits too. Also, several episodes in the various STAR TREK series have played variations on these themes. Also see the TV series SLIDERS, which presented a new alternate reality each week! Films and stories dealing with doppelgangers (eg., THE STUDENT OF PRAGUE, James' THE JOLLY CORNER, etc.) might also be relevant. Don Larsson ----------------------------------------------------------- Donald F. Larsson English Department, AH 230 Minnesota State University Mankato, MN 56001 ---- Screen-L is sponsored by the Telecommunication & Film Dept., the University of Alabama: