REVISED CALL FOR PAPERS PRESIDENCY IN FILM CONFERENCE NOV. 10-12 Submissions are still encouraged for panels on "THE IMPERIAL PRESIDENCY IN FILM" Call or email if you would like to discuss participation in this panel BY SEPT 15: American history is littered with periodic accusations of excessive presidential power: GeorgeWashington, Abraham Lincoln and Franklin Roosevelt wre the most notable targets of this charge. Richard Nixon's harrowing abuse of power brought Arthur Schlesinger to analyze the Imperial Presidency in the 1970s, a phenomenon which he associates with the excessive growth of the executive branch, combined with the misuse of power. The extent to which both narrative and documentary film production has reflected this important component of the American polity is an issue that has not been sufficiently investigated. The "imperial presidency" is already evident in films such as GABRIEL OVER THE WHITEHOUSE (which reflects conflicting attitudes towards dictatorship)and continues through INDEPENDENCE DAY. Even more, the president as king--or dictator--is easily translated into the president as film star, America's version of royalty. Topics which might be addressed by panelists included, but are not limited to: --How the presidency is portrayed in doc. or fictional film in terms of the narration of the democratic process; --The president as star; --Comparative analyses of presidential and royal performance and or narrative structure in film; --Dictators and presidents; --Retrospective biopics (JFK, Secret Honor) as indicators of contemporary views of presidential power; --The fictional portrayal of presidential power (and any relation to the sitting president); A wide range of approaches are welcome, and presentors from outside of the field of Cinema Studies are encouraged to apply. Contact Isabelle Freda with proposals or questions: by phone: 212-998-8993; by FAX 212-995-4904, by email [log in to unmask] The American Presidency in Film: Hollywood Views the Whitehouse Sponsored by the Film and History League Visit the Film and History Website for complete info. National Conference, Nov. 10-12, 2000 Simi Valley, CA Westlake Hyatt Hotel,Westlake Village Phone 805 557 1234 Rm rate: 109/night (single/double) email directly to reservations at: [log in to unmask] ---- To sign off Screen-L, e-mail [log in to unmask] and put SIGNOFF Screen-L in the message. Problems? Contact [log in to unmask]