I am curious if anyone out there has the original issue of the "This is Spinal Tap" video box? I am looking for the "twisted guitar flying through the air" image that adorned the cover of the video box for inclusion in my forthcoming book on film parody from the BFI. If you do have this image, could you please contact me directly so we could possibly arrange a scan of the image? Thanks in advance, Dan Dan Harries Head, Visual Culture & Media Dept, Middlesex University, Cat Hill Campus, London EN4 8HT UK <[log in to unmask]> t: +44-(0)181-362-6695 f: +44-(0)181-362-6339 ---- To sign off Screen-L, e-mail [log in to unmask] and put SIGNOFF Screen-L in the message. Problems? Contact [log in to unmask]