Louie Raynor requests: > I am looking for suggestions, assistance and any form of direction on the > pre-mentioned topics. I am soley interested in the dream sequences found in > the works of Maya Deren and David Lynch - in particular the two films "Lost > Highway" and "Meshes in the Afternoon". As opposed to the conventional > Freudian direction I am searching for something alternative. I am interested > in the semiotic deconstruction of dreams and the way they are constructed > and employed in the narrative space of films. While Freud was certainly au courant at the time that MESHES was filmed, so was Jung. The film seems to invite an archetypal reading as strongly as a Freudian one. The conflation of key, flower, and knife and the multiplication of selves seem to smack of Jung's notions of the collective unconscious and the id as a creative force. Don Larsson ---------------------- Donald Larsson Minnesota State U, Mankato [log in to unmask] ---- To sign off Screen-L, e-mail [log in to unmask] and put SIGNOFF Screen-L in the message. Problems? Contact [log in to unmask]