Below is part of the CALL FOR PANELS for the VISIBLE EVIDENCE VIII conference in Holland. I plan to submit a paper and am interested in forming a panel if 2 or more comrades have interests related to my topic (newsreels, outtakes, fakery, the twenties, Red Scares, all of the above?) My paper will be called "Tom Mix Meets Leon Trotsky: Newsreel Outtakes as Documentary." This will be an analysis of footage shot in Hollywood in 1928 for Fox Movietone News and consigned to the outtakes archive. Newsreel promotion of feature films; impersonation and fakery; topical politics as entertainment; self-censorship in the newsreel editing room. Contact me directly if you can go to VISIBLE EVIDENCE and might want to co-propose a panel (ahead of the individual paper deadline). Below is part of the CALL ********AUGUST 17-20, 2000, Utrecht and Amsterdam, The Netherlands The 2000 Visible Evidence Conference is the eighth in a series of major interdisciplinary conferences on the representation of (social) reality in documentary film and video. Since the key issue of representing reality explores a wide range of cultural, political, social, historical, ethnographic, medical and pedagogical questions, we welcome proposals from all academic fields. All proposals for panels must be received by e-mail, by February 16th, 2000. ********* ************************************************ Dan Streible Asst. Professor of Film Studies Dept. of Art University of South Carolina Columbia, SC 29208 (803) 777-9158 (803) 777-0535 fax [log in to unmask] ---- Online resources for film/TV studies may be found at ScreenSite