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October 1997, Week 2


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Donald Larsson <[log in to unmask]>
Reply To:
Wed, 8 Oct 1997 16:31:43 -0500
TEXT/PLAIN (39 lines)
I would look back to medieval Romances for at least some of the origins
of the POSTMAN RINGS TWICE narrative.  If not exact matches, there are
similarities in the story of Tristan and Isolde or Lancelot and
Guenivere, for example--maybe even  Paolo and Francesca from Dante's
Don Larsson
On Tue, 07 Oct 1997 23:02:26 -0500 Stephen Brophy <[log in to unmask]>
> >U-Turn is the latest variant on the basic story of The Postman Always Rings
> >Twice.  Does anybody know if Postman is more or less the origin of this
> >drifter meets doublecrossing couple plot?  (I mean the book since none of
> >the film versions are anywhere near as good.)
> >
> Actually, one version is quite good - Visconti's "Ossessione," which he
> made in 1942.  Jean Renoir gave him a copy of the novel when Visconti
> worked as an assistant on Renoir's "Toni."  both films are considered part
> of the foundation of 'neorealismo.'  As for your "U-Turn" question, I don't
> know yet - I thought I had a press pack laying around here, but it's not in
> any of the obvious places.  If I find it soon I can maybe give you Columbia
> Tri-Mark's party line as to origins.
>                                                 Stephen Brophy
>                                                 Cambridge, Mass.
> ----
> Screen-L is sponsored by the Telecommunication & Film Dept., the
> University of Alabama.
Donald Larsson, Mankato State U (MN)
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