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June 1997, Week 2


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Jeremy Butler <[log in to unmask]>
Reply To:
Film and TV Studies Discussion List <[log in to unmask]>
Tue, 10 Jun 1997 08:09:30 -0700
text/plain (153 lines)
Forwarded by Jeremy Butler, for more information contact the persons noted
-------original message---------
At the 1998 annual meeting of SCS two KATHERINE SINGER KOVACS awards for
outstanding scholarship in film and media studies will be announced.  One
award of $1500 will be given to the author(s) of an outstanding book
(anthologies are not eligible).  Another award of $500 will be given for an
outstanding essay  (not to exceed 20,000 words) published in a journal.
Certificates of citation will also be awarded to winners in both categories.
Books and articles must be published in English during the 1995-1996 or
1996-1997 academic years and should be original works that significantly
advance scholarship and thinking in the field either by opening up new
lines of inquiry or by consolidating existing ones at a high level of
Publishers and journal editors are invited to nominate books and essays,
but individual SCS members should feel free either to submit copies of
books or articles directly or to urge their publisher or editor to do so.
Send one copy of the book directly to each of the members of the Book Award
Ron Gottesman
Chair, KS Kovacs Book Award Committee LAS Humanities/English
Mark Taper Hall
University of Southern California
Los Angeles, CA 90089-2211
(for information:  [log in to unmask]; fax:  310/450-6788
Eileen Bowser
23 Bank Street
New York, NY  10014
David Desser
Unit for Cinema Studies/University of Illinois 2111 FLB/707 S. Mathews Ave.
Urbana, IL  61801
Send one copy of the essay directly to each of the members of the Essay
Award Committee:
Marsha Kinder
Chair, KS Kovacs Writing Award Committee School Cinema/Television
Division of Critical Studies
University of Southern California
Los Angeles, CA 90089-2211
(for information:  [log in to unmask]; fax:  213/876-7678)
Robert Eberwein
379 W. Frank
Birmingham, MI  48009
Lauren Rabinovitz
Dept. of Communication
University of Iowa
Iowa City, IA  52242
Fifteenth Annual SCS Dissertation Award
The Dissertation Award Committee of the Society for Cinema Studies
invites submissions for its fifteenth annual award which carres a cash
prize of $1,000.  Candidates for the award must be members of SCS and must
have completed their dissertations and received their doctoral degrees
between October 1, 1996 and September 30, 1997.  Dissertations of any
length that deal with any cinema, television, or video topic will be
considered.  Criteria for judging include clarity and strength of
argumentation, quality and originality of scholarship and research,
organization and coherence, prose style, and contribution to the
understanding of the field of film, television, or video studies.
Deadline for receipt of the dissertation is October 17, 1997.
Judges will conduct a preliminary screening and will promptly return
dissertations not selected as finalists.  The winner and alternates (if
any) will be announced in the spring.  The award will be presented at the
1998 SCS Conference in San Diego.
Copies of the dissertation should be sent directly to each of the
three judges of the dissertation committee, together with stamped,
self-addressed envelopes so that copies can be returned.
Susan White
Chair, SCS Dissertation Award Committee 2800 East Adams St.
Tucson, AZ  85716-3534
Stephen Prince
Dept. of Comm. Studies
11 Agnew Hall
Virginia Tech
Blacksburg, VA  24061
Chris Straayer
NYU Cinema Studies
721 Broadway, Rm. 601
New York, NY 10003
The Society for Cinema Studies Award for Scholarly Writing
recognizes students who show outstanding ability in the fields of film and
television scholarship.  Cash awards of $250, $150, and $100 are made to
the winners, and the essay receiving first place is published in _Cinema
All entrants must be enrolled in a recognized course in film and/or
television studies at the time of submission of their papers and must be
members of SCS.  Essays prepared by students to fulfill the requirments of
courses may be submitted.  An essay will not be accepted, however, if it
has been previously published or issued in any form of general
distribution.  Each student may enter only one essay.  All submissions must
be double-spaced, typewritten on 8 1/2 x 11" paper, and should not exceed
7,500 words.  It is recommended that entrants submit double-sided copies of
their essays.
Deadline for receipt of three copies of student essays by the
committee chair is November 14, 1997.
To maintain the anonymity of the entrant, the author's name should
not appear on or in the essay.  The following information should appear on
a separate sheet:  author's name and address, essay title, and
identification of particular course of study being pursued.
Send three copies as outlined above to:
Jon Lewis
Chair, SCS Student Writing Award Committee English Department
Oregon State University
Corvallis, OR  97331
Jeremy Butler
[log in to unmask]
Telecommunication & Film/University of Alabama/Tuscaloosa
Screen-L is sponsored by the Telecommunication & Film Dept., the 
University of Alabama.