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April 1997, Week 1


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John Jarvis <[log in to unmask]>
Reply To:
Film and TV Studies Discussion List <[log in to unmask]>
Thu, 3 Apr 1997 21:45:38 GMT
text/plain (30 lines)
I am the senior editor of Story and Myth: The Journal of Classic Story
Writing, a respected online magazine that is now accessible to all users of
StoryCraftNet (an online story-writing tool/course for students of
junior-high, high, college, and continuing ed.).
Story and Myth is now seeking articles, 500-5000 words, dealing with the
writing of fiction.  The subject should focus on some aspect of the writing
of fiction, especially as it relates to the interpretation of Hero,
Antagonist, Story Concept, Story Category, or Story Type in classic as well
as popular novels, screenplays, teleplays, and plays.  We are also
interested in articles relating to Symbolism in literature, such as in the
works of Charles Baudelaire, James Joyce, and T.S. Eliot.  Scholarly as
well as popular articles are accepted.  A familiarity with the Jarvis
Method (which StoryCraftNet teaches) is helpful.
We prefer to consider completed articles along with short bios.  Either
e-mail it to [log in to unmask] or mail disk to Irwin Berent, Senior
Editor, Story and Myth, 560 Roland Drive, Norfolk, VA 23509.  If article is
accepted, you will receive free 3-month subscription (or renewal) to the
magazine as well as to StoryCraftNet. (Samples of the magazine can be
viewed at )
Irwin Berent
email: [log in to unmask]
phone: 800-977-8679
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