Re: Television and style
Sat, 23 Mar 91 21:10:45 CST
On Sat, 23 Mar 91 09:58:50 EST Mark Pollock said:
>I'm a new subscriber with what may be a naive or overly general
>question, but with a question nonetheless. I'm working on a project on
>philosophy, political rhetoric, and television; my background is OK in
>the first, good in the second, and very out-dated in the last.
As a catch-up book, I'd suggest CHANNELS OF DISCOURSE, ed. by Robert C.
Allen (U North Carolina Press). It approaches television from a variety
of contemporary perspectives (but not traditional social science):
semiotics, discourse theory, ideological criticism, and so on. Some
of the authors include John Fiske, Mimi White, Ellen Seiter, Sandy
It's an excellent anthology and is currently in preparation for a
revised, second edition--which is still at the editorial stage, probably
won't be out (the second edition, that is) for a year or so.
Has anyone had a chance to review the new Longman anthology of
essays on television--the omnibus one on TV crit (I don't have it
in front of me and haven't got the title down)? Any thoughts on it?
Years it would take Jim Bakker to earn enough to pay his
federal fine at his current job cleaning prison toilets: 2,331.
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| Telecommunication & Film Dept * The University of Alabama * Tuscaloosa |