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November 1996, Week 3


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Film and TV Studies Discussion List <[log in to unmask]>
Donald Larsson <[log in to unmask]>
Tue, 19 Nov 1996 11:23:02 -0600
Film and TV Studies Discussion List <[log in to unmask]>
text/plain (27 lines)
Peter Thomas suggests:
"As to those examples of conflict between what a narrator says and what they
actually did, ie., in a flash back - Clint Eastwood killing confederates
coldly in The Beguiled while telling people how humane and honourable he
is, the prospective tenant in Shallow Grave  answering 'No' to the question
of whether he has ever killed a man while the flashback shows him doing so
and the great number of comic usages of this kind of thing - the reason we
privilege the flashback itself when there is conflict is not a video/audio
thing in these cases but because flashbacks are of the narration, whereas
dialogue is of a character. . .  ."
This reminds me of the opening of THE SHOOTIST.  As we hear Ron Howard's voice
talking about the legendary gunfighter played in the film by John Wayne, we
see a montage of clips that apparently illustrate the gunfighter's career.
But of course we are seeing clips from former John Wayne movies.  Immediately,
this signals to the audience that the film is not a self-contained entity as
narration but a film that will also offer a parallel homage to Wayne's screen
persona and film career.
Don Larsson, Mankato State U (MN)
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