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March 1996, Week 1


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Donald Larsson <[log in to unmask]>
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Film and TV Studies Discussion List <[log in to unmask]>
Tue, 5 Mar 1996 09:16:19 -0600
text/plain (27 lines)
Robert Nash writes:
"        sorry for the late response, I was having computer troubles.
I remember a show that aired for a while on NBC that was titled "Nasty
Boys" or something like that. It was about 5 drug cops working in Vegas.
They were sopposed to elite, the best of the best. They're operation was
secretive and no one knew they existed. They would always wear masks on
every drug bust. It was a pretty exciting action filled show. I think it
got cancelled due all tha graffic violence and language that is now
suitable for "NYPD Blue.""
I don't think this is the same show, but Michael Mann's CRIME STORY moved in
its first season from Chicago to Vegas (and ended a season with a truly
apocalyptic finale on Yucca Flats!).
BTW, I think that show did at least as good a job (or better) of detailing
the mob's skim operations as Scorsese's CASINO.  I think I have to see
film again, but mental comparisons with the TV show were lowering it somewhat
for me as I watched.
Don Larsson, Mankato State U (MN)
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