>I'm curious as to who on the list saw this movie (the Don Was Documentary on
>Brian Wilson) and what your impressions were.
>- Paul
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I saw it, taped it and saw it several times again. So I suppose I was very
impressed. I also bought the CD. Having a modest bit of "inside"
information on Brian Wilson, I thought it a very honest piece. The black
and white was a good touch especially for Disney. I was surprised how
little original BB music was included...but perhaps that was a virtue.
Musicologically, if that's the right word here, I think it helped to
explain why the BB sound appeared to be so different. It offered a deeper
appreciation of Wilson than I've ever seen and the connection with the
group the Four Freshman deserved one of those "of course" replies that
recognizes the surprise of the obvious. I liked Brian's mother's line
about how his father used to spend all his time in bed too.
David Goldblatt
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