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SCREEN-L Archives

December 1995, Week 1


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Chris Carlsson <[log in to unmask]>
Reply To:
Wed, 29 Nov 1995 21:45:09 +0000
text/plain (22 lines)
There was a film made in the 70's, French, I think,
called "The Lacemaker", I believe starring Isabelle Huppert
(unknown at the time).  It was about an innocent,
unwordly,naive young woman, and a hip young intellectual
radical who fall in love and have an affair.  The
relationship ends badly when the girl can't find
her way in the politicized, heady world of her
lover.  In the end the girl ends up in the madhouse,
making lace, and I THINK she is mute.  I don't
remember the details very well but it was a
beautiful film.  The feminist critique of left in-
tellectual culture is given voice through a friend
of the man's who understands the impossible situation
of the girl despite the fact that she herself is very
much a part of his world.
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