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November 1995, Week 3


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"J. Barry" <[log in to unmask]>
Reply To:
Film and TV Studies Discussion List <[log in to unmask]>
Tue, 14 Nov 1995 01:17:41 -0500
text/plain (34 lines)
To All Media Students:
     The Hope International Festival for Student Visual Arts
is now excepting entries for their 1996 annual festival.
General Information:
The Hope Festival is an international student visual arts competition.
 Categories include:  Narrative [drama/comedy], Animation, Documentary,
Experimental,  Music Video: with a $250. award per category.  The entry
selected for the Grand Festival Award will recieve $1000.  Special thespian,
script, visual design award, may be given at the judges discretion.  The
festival will be held at the Temple To Music in Roger Williams Park,
Providence, RI under the stars Mat 10-12, 1996.  Entries not selected for the
festival will not necessarily be excluded from video distribution.
ENTRY INFORMATION: Entries must include; copy of student ID, your
name/address/phone, name of college/university, titles & lengths of entries,
role of person submitting entry, small synopsis of entries, a 1/2 inch vhs
ntsc, pal secam, copy for entries.  Please indicate the following: category
applicable to your entries, entries completed for show on what format?  Edge
of all tapes must be labeled with name of student & entry.  The entry fee as
follows must be included: $40. US entry, $45.. non US entry, $10. each
additional entry for US & non US.  Checks payable only in US dollars to: Hope
Festival.  Mail all entries to:Hope Festival, P.O. Box 6707, Providence,
Rhode Island 02940.  Receipt of entry will be mailed to all students.   To
receive an offical entry form and logo design from the Hope Festival send
request to Justin Santini co-director [log in to unmask]
To signoff SCREEN-L, e-mail [log in to unmask] and put SIGNOFF SCREEN-L
in the message.  Problems?  Contact [log in to unmask]