SCREEN-L Archives

October 1995, Week 2


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Jeremy Butler <[log in to unmask]>
Reply To:
Film and TV Studies Discussion List <[log in to unmask]>
Mon, 9 Oct 1995 11:43:07 CST
text/plain (39 lines)
SCREENsite is a World Wide Web site devoted to the study of film, video,
television, and related media:
Some of the resources SCREENsite offers include:
* Course syllabi and other course-related materials
* A directory of film/TV educators' e-mail addresses
* A listing of film/video festivals (from UFVA) that encourage student
* Information on college-level teaching jobs and a resume service
* Links to film/TV studio sites
Over the past few weeks, SCREENsite has been bulking up its offerings.
* Jim Castonguay has been laboring away on SCREENsite's links to the publishing
world--both book publishers and journals/magazines.  The result is an excellent
guide to materials both on- and off-line.
* The listing of Web sites for college programs in film/TV/media has been
greatly expanded.  You will now find over 50 sites listed and pointers to
general college guides such as Peterson's Education Center.  It's a great way to
obtain information about both major film/TV/media programs (e.g., Iowa, USC,
NYU, Northwestern) as well as more modest offerings.
Look for more improvements in the near future!
 Jeremy Butler   *  [log in to unmask]   *  [log in to unmask]
      SCREENsite -- a Film/TV-studies site on the World Wide Web:
 Telecommunication & Film Dept. * University of Alabama * Tuscaloosa
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