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June 1995, Week 1


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"Richard J. Leskosky" <[log in to unmask]>
Reply To:
Film and TV Studies Discussion List <[log in to unmask]>
Thu, 1 Jun 1995 14:00:17 -0500
text/plain (23 lines)
Although I hate to sound too curmudgeonly, I can no longer follow this
thread without pointing out that the title of the film in question is THE
PUPPET MASTERS.  Various respondents here have been calling it PUPPET
MASTER. There is in fact a film entitled PUPPETMASTER (spelled "puppet
master," with a space, in its several sequels), done in 1989 by Full Moon
Films.  It's cheap horror  about homicidal animated puppets; it's a staple
in the horror sections of video rental stores and shows up regularly on
We should all try to use the correct titles for films under discussion and
reduce the possibilities for confusion both in the present discussion and
in the future if someone should be searching the list's archives for a
particular title.
--Richard J. Leskosky
Richard J. Leskosky                     office phone: (217) 244-2704
Assistant Director                      FAX: (217) 244-2223
Unit for Cinema Studies                 University of Illinois
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