SCREEN-L Archives

January 1995, Week 1


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Jeremy Butler <[log in to unmask]>
Reply To:
Film and TV Studies Discussion List <[log in to unmask]>
Mon, 2 Jan 1995 16:08:02 CST
text/plain (30 lines)
Author:  [log in to unmask]
Date:    12/29/94 12:40 PM
[Editor's note:  This message was submitted to SCREEN-L by the "Author" noted
above, and not by Jeremy Butler ([log in to unmask]).]
I understand that this list tends to stick  primarily to the
critical/theoretical aspects of the screen arts, I'm hoping that there are
some lurkers like myself who write for the screens, too.  Maybe they could
point me in the right direction(s):
While I own two of the better known, dedicated screenplay/scripting packages
for Windows/DOS based computers, it occurs to me that I might have better
luck were I able to customize a bit more.  (As anyone who has written for the
screens knows, we are all partial to our own individual idiosyncracies in styl
e and format).  I thought that one way to acheive such a level of
customization would be through a "template" in a powerful word processor.
 (Generally, I use Microsoft Word for Windows 6.0 for my word processing
pursuits).  In any case, I can't help thinking that someone has beaten me to
the punch here, and there has got to be a few worthy templates for
screenplays floating around.  I'd be interested in acquiring whatever you've
got or can get, or can direct me to.  If I could come up with one, and then
modify it to my own tastes, I'd be in very good shape.  Incidentally, for
those of you who use dedicated screen writing applications, which do you find
the most powerful, and/or easiest to use?
Michael D. Klenner
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