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October 1994


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Jajasoon Tlitteu <[log in to unmask]>
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Film and TV Studies Discussion List <[log in to unmask]>
Sun, 30 Oct 1994 22:43:17 -0600
text/plain (27 lines)
>I'm trying to develop a list of films which have an interracial couple as
>main characters but the issue of their interracial relationship is not the
>main focus of the film.  BODYGUARD as an example: The interracial aspect of
>Whitney Houston and Kevin Costner's characters are never discussed.  Can anyone
>offer some more?  Thanks.
>Amy M. Dean
>[log in to unmask]
>University of Alabama
The Crying Game
Pulp Fiction (oh no, I mentioned the name!)
The Joy Luck Club
The Wedding Banquet (kind of discussed, but more culture/language than race)
Go Fish
All the Muppet Movies (technically, interspecies)
Maid in America (race is relevant, though the movie isn't)
and then if you open up into television, there's a whole new can of worms.
jajasoon tlitteu  ([log in to unmask])
"Academic training was instrumental.  You have to understand the language
of society before you can start stretching and subverting it and ripping
and tearing it and burning it and watching the plastic drip on the ants."