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October 1994


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Jeffrey Ronald Dobson Jr <[log in to unmask]>
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Film and TV Studies Discussion List <[log in to unmask]>
Tue, 18 Oct 1994 22:10:52 -0400
text/plain (31 lines)
When the door first opened in that scene I was shocked.  I realize that it
shouldn't have shocked me, but it did.  I'm not sure if this needed to be
shown or not, I'm just saying that it shocked me.  I as well loved the part
where Marvin gets his face shot off, and Vincent's line following it, "Oh shit,
I just shot Marvin in the face."  I laughed so hard I almost pissed myself.
> short answer...
> chronologically of course, p.f. ends when bruce willis and sweetheart drive
> off on the motorcycle.
> the thematic ending is a bit more open to debate.  i would say the
> thematic ending comes at the end of the film with jules' redemption...
> jules' is the hero of the film, and his departure (or attempted departure
> ) from "the life" is what the several stories have been working up to.
> His decision comes fairly early in the chronological action, but i would
> argue that the following scenes exist to illustrate the wisdom of his
> choice by portraying what exactly it is that he is leaving behind.
> the viewer sees the argument in favor of his decision before seeing
> the decision.  we see what happens when you ignore a miracle (you get
> shot coming out of the john) before we hear vincent vega say he didn't
> just experience one.
> did anyone else find the torture basement scene gratuitous?  on the
> basis of one viewing, i felt like the film would have been much stronger
> without that scene.  thoughts?
> denis hennelly
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