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October 1994


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Film and TV Studies Discussion List <[log in to unmask]>
"Michael D. Klenner" <[log in to unmask]>
Sun, 16 Oct 1994 14:27:19 -0400
Film and TV Studies Discussion List <[log in to unmask]>
text/plain (53 lines)
Hi Folks,
I'm a film student/enthusiast with wild aspirations of producing and
directing feature films in the not-so-distant future.  My film related
education to this point consists primarily of film aesthetics courses, filmic
writing courses, and a myriad of production courses.  (For budgetary reasons,
all of my production courses have been confined to video, though most of my
portfolio pieces have been shot "film-style".)  My practical experience
consists almost entirely of video based endeavors.  In any case, I'm not here
to plead for a job.  I merely seek advice:  I produced a somewhat unique
student-weekly in high school for two years, and I'll be finished with the
"two-year" community college program in which I have been developing my
portfolio for the past three years, quite soon.  (It's probably the best
publicly funded facility in California short of UCLA, which requires Junior
standing and super-hero status anyway.)  I studied Anthropology in England,
France, and Germany for a couple of semesters, hence I'm 23 years old, and
just now looking at transferring to a film program at a major institution.
 Academically, I've done quite well, and my portfolio, (visual and written),
is probably pretty unique.  Anyway, the time when I must submit my portfolio
and applications for school in the Fall of '95, is drawing near.  So far, I'm
planning to apply at:
1. UCLA - I've heard that the undergraduate program may soon disappear?
2. USC - An execellent program which provides a hot-bed of contacts?
3. NYU (Tich School of The Arts) - The best?
4. California Institute of The Arts - I understand that this is Disney's
"farm" of new talent?
5. Art Center School of Design (Pasadena, CA)  - It's a good school, but is
there industry contact here?
6. Kunst Hochschule (Munich, Germany) - A wonderful school... but my reel
would be in German.
7. Northwestern - Any information would be appreciated.
8. University of Colorado - Location, location, location!
9. San Diego State - A good school... More media oriented?
10. Cal State Northridge - A good school, but probably my "safety-net".
In any case, my questions: Am I missing a particular school that I would do
well to consider?  Can any of you offer any input regarding these or any
other schools which may serve my needs?  Am I missing the boat entirely?
 Would I be better off staying in Los Angeles for purposes of industry
contact/nepotistic opportunity?  Basically... I need information from people
who KNOW!  Thanks, guys.  I'm new to SCREEN-L, so hold the flames if I'm
asking something I shouldn't.
By the way... I've been told by many that a degree in Film is a waste of
time, but for me... with relatively few contacts and a creative skill that
remains largely undeveloped, I believe it's the right thing to do.
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