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October 1994


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Film and TV Studies Discussion List <[log in to unmask]>
Ulf Dalquist <[log in to unmask]>
Wed, 5 Oct 1994 09:30:15 +0100
Film and TV Studies Discussion List <[log in to unmask]>
text/plain (32 lines)
You wrote:
>I have a student who is applying for a young scholars' NEH grant and is
>preparing a bibliography to support his proposal.  Are there some good
>studies out there of the various styles in which violence is presented in
>films?  Many thanks.
>Dan Gribbin                              [log in to unmask]
>Ferrum College
>Ferrum, VA 24088
I don't know if there is a study that covers it all, but when it comes to
sub-genres, these are some of my personal favourites:
Clover, Carol (1992) Men, Women and Chain Saws. Gender in the Modern Horror
Film.   New Jersey : Princeton University Press. A definite must-read.
Twitchell, James B. (1989) Preposterous Violence. Fables of Aggression in Modern
Culture. Oxford: Oxford University Press. Not only on film. Quite O.K.
Tudor, Andrew (1989) Monsters and Mad Scientists. A Cultural History of the
Horror Movie. London: Routledge. Only deals with horror. Very good.
Taker, Yvonne (1993) Spectacular Bodies. London: Routledge. Can't remember the
subtitle. Anyway, it's on action film and the display  of the male body in such
-- Ulf Dalquist Dept. of Sociology--
--   Box 114 221 00 Lund SWEDEN   --