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August 1994


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"Margaret E. Arnold" <[log in to unmask]>
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Film and TV Studies Discussion List <[log in to unmask]>
Wed, 31 Aug 1994 19:08:00 EDT
text/plain (15 lines)
Thank you RICHARD J. LESKOSKY for posting notice about the film that's being
distributed around the states.  I would've missed this if not for you.  Kisses!
Here's what I learned about the film here in NYC.....
IN THE LAND OF THE DEAF - Docu. Film of French Deaf People w/ English Subtitles
at FILM FORUM 1....209 West Houston St; NYC   #212/727-8110
Daily showings at 2, 4, 6, 8, 10 pm
September 14 - 25.
NYC Deaf Awareness Week Sept 19-25 featuring arts, etc. contact Raphael Pinchas
at:  1-800-421-1220 (that's for hearing who do not have a teletypewriter to
communicate w/ another user) and ask to call 212-323-2240  or  just
FAX directly 212-432-1556 and request for infos.    Sorry if this part is off
the point but there are some visitors who plan to come to NYC might need to
know about this and not miss the whole event.  Thank u!