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July 1994


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"John G. Thomas" <[log in to unmask]>
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Film and TV Studies Discussion List <[log in to unmask]>
Tue, 5 Jul 1994 22:58:41 -0700
text/plain (81 lines)
On Tue, 5 Jul 1994, james s keyrissg wrote:
> On Tue, 5 Jul 1994, John G. Thomas wrote:
> >
> >         I'd like to have some comments about the over-board message we
> > ALL get that men are bad, evil, etc.  The fact that 52% of all spousal
> > murders are committed by by women should get some play for a change.  Why
> > does TV seem compelled to present such a one-sided view?  I suspect its
> > ratings, but it is unfortunate none-the-less.
> >
> Of course, somewhere around 90% of spousal physical abuse is done by
> men.
        Interesting that you start your sentence with "Of course...".
Unlike you, I've spent some time researching the issue and I don't enjoy
just spouting back everything I hear without checking it out.
  I think your 52% figure, why true, I DON'T KNOW, is a bit like male
> concern about being raped by a woman. It's a myth.
        Sorry, it's not a MYTH.  Does that bother you?  I suppose if I
quoted you the FACTS for a change, you still wouldn't change your mind.
But on the outside chance that you're still abit open minded, here's a
few to put in your pC pipe and smoke:
        "Half of all spousal murders(52% to be exact)are committed by
wives, a statistic that has been stable over time."
                                        Natl. Institutes of Health
        "Women and men physically abuse one another in roughly equal
numbers.  Wives reported that they were more often the aggressors.  Using
weapons to make up for physical disadvantage, they were not just fighting
                                        The National Family Violence Survey
                                        (Natl. Institute of Mental Health)
        "While 1.8 million women annually suffered one or more assaults
from a husband or boyfriend, 2 million men were assualted by a wife or
                                        The Journal of Marriage and Family
        "Among teenagers who date, girls were more violent, more
frequently than boys."
                                Journal for the Natl Assn. of Social Workers
        "Mothers abuse their children at a rate approaching twice that of
                                California Child Protective Service Agency
        Now.  If you think the way I THINK you'll think, I  suppose you'll
stick to your previous statements anyhow.  See, sometimes even the truth
isn't good enough.
> ...why do you think the women murder the men ANYWAY???
        Don't know...suppose you'd have to ask them!  (Very carefully!)
But, please, PLEASE, don't give me the "But look what the men did to the
women to make them do it" argument.  The BS on this screen is too thick
     "Used to be when you bought a politician, they stayed bought!"
                                                     ("Used Cars")
---------------->from John G. Thomas ([log in to unmask]) <-------------------